How your plasma donation changed the game for Hayley

How your plasma donation changed the game for Hayley

Hayley has Common Variable Immune Deficiency Disorder (CVID), which means the immune system doesn’t work well at all, leaving her susceptible to developing dangerous infections from common, everyday bugs.

Medical treatments made from plasma donations changed the game for her when she was diagnosed back in 2016.

Each month, Hayley receives Intravenous Immunoglobin (IVIg), one of the most common uses for plasma donations in Australia.

Without her infusions, she’d be susceptible to infections from viruses and bacteria. As she explains it, “when I get my infusion, it’s kind of like I actually have an immune system.”

“I get very run down just before treatments. Everyone I work with knows when I’m due for an infusion! I show up for work and I’m so tired and can’t really get anything done. It feels like I’m coming down with the flu,” Hayley says.

“It takes me about a day to get back up after a treatment. I feel amazing. It’s probably what feels normal to everyone else, but it feels special to me.”

“It’s really nice when I can achieve things now, my parents get ridiculously excited. I had a hard time through school and uni because I was so sick and didn’t have a diagnosis for so long.”

The life-giving experience of receiving blood products has made Hayley a world-class recruiter of blood donors. Something we wholeheartedly thank her for!

“My netball club donates blood for me regularly. My work donates blood, and my Mum’s starting a Lifeblood Team for her workplace to donate. I’m also heavily involved in my netball club, I’m the vice president there. I started up our blood drive events where the Redbacks give red back…get it?”

Hayley has played netball since she was a child, but her illness meant that was on the backburner again until her diagnosis was made and her IVIg treatments could start giving her back the energy she needed to play.

“Just before I was properly diagnosed, I started again. I missed SO many games my first season, but now I can play every Saturday,” she said.

We like to think that your plasma donations might have an even greater impact on modern medicine, as Hayley continues her studies thanks to her regular treatments.

“I study neuroscience, which leaks into my spare time as well. I love reading books about science. When I’m sick and can’t do much, I design pieces of medical technology, mostly rehabilitation,” says Hayley, who is clearly very invested in improving the lives of Aussie patients.

“I’ve trained and registered my dog to be a therapy dog. We visit hospitals and nursing homes as a therapy team.”

Every plasma donation helps. Change the game for someone like Hayley by booking a plasma donation today.